
Little Su 8-6

I fished two groups of four today on the Little Su for the first day of bait. All of the fisherman and fisherwomen limited out on Silver salmon that were in excellent condition, not a red fish in the boat all day. The fishing was better in the am but there are fish to be caught in the afternoon, it just takes time to locate them in the holes later in the day. We used bobbers, dead drifting beind the boat on the anchor during both trips. We also did a bit of casting and side bouncing to break up the day but this did not produce the strikes like the bobbers did. The water has come up 6-10" from the recent rain but it looks like it will be dropping imediately according to the gaging station on the upper river. The fish count at the ADF&G check station was 376 when I left the river. If I recall correctly it was over 600 last year the first day of bait. We have openings this week and are having consistant catches with of silver salmon.