I took an overnight pike trip for my last trip of the season. The water was within 12" of the lowest I had seen it since early this spring. My clients, a husband and wife from New York state, were great. It was raining from the launch in the am until well after dark. We fished with a wide assortment of lures and caught well over 50 fish. We were hunting for a large pike of mountable quality but never found one. We did catch two pike that were in the mid 30" range and wer pushing 10-12 lbs, of which we only got one picture of, the gentleman of the duo forgot to hit the record button on the camera (I could not resist reminding him of this, they read the blog). The rest of the pike were in the 5-8 lb range with a few smaller fish. I was fully expecting to catch larger fish I am not sure why we didn't, they may be cruising the deep or feeding on dead salmon or the smaller fish out ran them for our gear. We spent a nice dry evening in the cabin and visited about hunting and fishing in New York and Alaska.
The second day was nice, little to no rain and the lake had come up 8" to 12" due to the rain and incoming creek water. The fishing was good until about 11:00 am and then it slowed own to a crawl. We left the lake and had a great trip home, we saw lots of eagles and tons of ducks. The river had come up aproximately 3 feet, this made the trip home a lttle faster but we had to watch for logs and debris in the water.
Have a great winter,
Greg Giauque
Alaska Susitna Charters