Little Su 6-7
I fished the Little Su today with four clients. The fishing was slow for everyone on the river, there were ten fish through the check station at 1:00. We had three fish on, lost one after a 5 or 6 minute fight and landed two others. I saw several other guide boats pull in with no fish today and the gentleman manning the booth told me many of the fish caught were from the bank. Every fish that we have caught has been a Chromer with lots of sea lice (5-8 per side). This makes me think that the fish that are being caught are ones that are just trickling in. The run appears to be late, like elsewhere in the Susitna drainage and the fishing should improve very soon. One more note is that the trucks and boat trailers were lined up the hill at the landing, there were more boats on the water today than any day I have seen this year.