
Little Su 7-17

I fished the little Su today with four clients. We started the trip at 7 am in the rain. The water was low, normal for this time of the year but will come up according to the USGS water gauge readings. This is due to the rain...I had enough of the rain today to last me all season. We caught 10 silvers and had 5 others on and missed a few bites. I was pleasantly surprised, it looks as if the fish are coming into the river and we may have a strong run. The fish were all average between 6 & 8 pounds with the last fish of the day being nearly 10 pounds. We did not see any large wildlife but the bear(s) have been around the campground. We did see eagles, mallards, merganzers, and several other shore birds today. If you want to get out and catch some salmon give us a call or send us an email.

Greg Giauque