
Little Su 8-1

Today I fished with four clients. We got on the water just before six am and hooked a silver on the first cast. We caught our limit by 8:30 am letting a couple of fish go and loosing several others. The last fisherman in the boat took a very long time hooking a fish back trolling. He had 10 bites before he hooked the last fish, the bad part of it is that it was me. I just could not hang the last one today, gives me insight to clients that are having an off day. It was fun and the group was giving me a lot of lip service and having fun doing it.
The water remains high and dirty on the river. There was allot of garbage, sticks and leaves in the water today. This makes casting and cleaning a regular task. We saw Mallards, Greebe and some Sandhill cranes today.
