I then went with the same two friends and their wives to unit 13. Bills wife got a nice fork horn opening morning and we got it to camp early in the afternoon. Bill and I walked around in the evening spotting 7 bulls, all were sub legal until we spotted two very nice moose. After a 4.5 mile hike in the afternoon we stalked within 250 yards of both bulls, I dropped min and bill missed, that bull ran off. My moose was 55 inches, 5 brow tines one side, three on the other. We hunted for three more days not seeing another legal moose until half way out Bill shot a nice fork horn bull. He dropped it with one shot in a swamp. We winched the moose out of the water, onto dry land and had it skinned, gutted and loaded in just over an hour. All in all a great year of moose hunting, 5 moose in two weeks.